Sub: Policy for engagement of TADK
Ref: 1) RBE No-64/2020. Dtd. 06.08.20 & RBE 102/2020 Dt 01.12.2020.
2) This office letter no. WCR/P-HQ/Rulling/0/120/TADKs Dated 19-03-2019.
The existing policy of engagement /absorption/transfer/discharge of TADKs on WCR has been reviewed with the approval of the Competent Authority, in view of the reference letters, and the same is detailed as under:
- Also Read…
- Policy of Appointment of TADK on the Railways: 01/12/2020,RBE 102/2020
- Indian Railways ends appointment of TADK, Bungalow Peon
1. Pool of TADK
- Pool of TADK –. TADK posts have been created and attached to specific JAG/SAG/HAG posts. However in certain exigencies, the concerned PHOD/CHOD are authorized to revise the pin-pointing of TADK post, due to operational& functional requirement. Work charged posts of TADK shall continue further, subject to extension of currency of the post. Pool of TADK shall be maintained at Headquarter level.
- The pool of post of TADK shall be manned by available existing TADK and by calling options from the willing regular employees from all units and the TADKs who have been screened and allotted lien in different departments shall also be given option to come to the pool of TADK. In all such cases, his/her lien and seniority will be regulated in parent department.
- Existing TADK who has not completed 03 years of service as per earlier policydated 19/03/2019 and working on the erstwhile ‘Gr-D’ post in various units, will be placed in pool of available TADK.Regular railway employees, who are willing to work as TADK while maintainingtheir lien in parent cadre/department can exercise option of coming to the pool of TADK. Option floated once in this regard, shall remain open-ended.
2. Officers entitled for TADK
- Officers entitled for TADK –Officers in JAG in adhoc and above are entitled for the services of TADK subject to TADK is attached to that specific post. In exceptional circumstances, GM may authorize through his personal approval, the operation of a TADK post by an officer not below the rank of Senior Scale, if a JAG post is being operated by downgrading JAG post and depending upon the nature and responsibilities of the post.
- Officers near to superannuation having at least one year of service can also opt forservices of TADK from the pool.
4. Allotment of TADKs:
- Allotment of TADKs:
- Allotment on the basis of Willingness of Officer and staff both : An officer who has a TADK attached to his post will have the option to propose a willing regular employee, from any other unit of Indian Railways. In this case, written willingness of the Officer and the employee concerned will be required, along with declaration of conduct and candidature as was being provided earlier. In such cases, candidates/employee’s lien and seniority, shall be protected in their parent cadre.
- Allotment from Centralized Pool of TADK: On the basis of options exercised by willing staff to work as TADK, a centralized pool of TADK shall be maintained at HQ. Officers may opt for engaging a TADK from the pool of available TADKs. The respective Personnel Department shall certify that post of TADK is attached with the post of officer for which request has been submitted.

In both the cases of (a) and (b) above, Approval of General Manager is required for engaging of an existing TADK/Regular employee as TADK. However, an officer can relieve a TADK for further employment, with the approval of PCPO.
- TADK will be allotted to an officer from the pool on the basis of ‘first come firstserve ‘as per availability. For this purpose, priority will be maintained by the Recruitment section of Personnel Department of HQ WCR.
The names of officers applying for TADK will be registered serially as per their application, which can be sent on e-mail ID – the date of receipt of request in the Personnel Department (HQ) at above email-ID shall be treated as the date of priority. In cases of application of same date, Sr. Officer will be given priority.
- HAG and above Officers as well as CHOD (In charge) will get overriding priority. This will be followed by SAG/ NFHAG (as one pool), and NF-SAG, SG and JAG (as another pool) in ratio of 2:1, in case of allotment of TADK from the Centralized pool of TADKs.
- There will be no choice available to an officer for a particular TADK from thispool. The names of TADKs in the pool will be registered serially as per their option for inclusion in the pool. The TADKs to the seeking officers will be provided duly maintaining the serial (i.e. the officer at Sr. No. 1,will get TADK registered at Sr. No. 1 and so on), subject to priority.
Observation/Familiarization period of 01 month may be given to the officer. If within 01 month officer refuses the allotted TADK, name of the officer will be placed in the bottom of the list of Officers in that pool seeking TADKs. On all such postings, employee in the pool cannot refuse posting under the officers. However, if two officers are willing to interchange their TADKs (who have been engaged with approval of GM) with each other, this may be permissible with the approval of PCPO.
(c.) In case where husband and wife both are Railway officers at the same station or different stations, they will be entitled for the services of TADKs under this policy.
(d) If a existing TADK becomes surplus due to transfer of officer to other Railway/Division without carrying the TADK attached with him/her or due to superannuation/retirement as the case may be, such TADK will be part of the pool and may be attached with the other eligible officer as per procedure outlined in (b.1).
5. Tenure of TADK will be as under:
- For existing TADK -Screening will be conducted after completion of 04 years. If officer wants to get another TADK from above pool, he may relieve his TADK for the department where TADK has been allotted the lien, however, if the officer is not willing to relieve the TADK or he is not able to get another TADK, the existing TADK will continue to work with the officer as TADK, even after the screening and fixing of lien. If the officer wants to release his/her TADK before the completion of minimum tenure, he may be allowed to register his name below all existing officers, after completion of 04 years tenure of TADK and such an officer will be permitted to take new TADK from the pool of TADK or from willing railway employees. Released TADK will be offered to other officers waiting for TADK.
- Regular employee as TADK– Willingness at the first instance has to be exercised against the floated option. TADK can continue with the officer beyond five years.
6. Screening of existing TADK/Fixation of lien of TADK:
- Screening of existing TADK/Fixation of lien of TADK – Concerned officer will submit annual working report of TADK compulsorily as per the format. On completion of 04years continuous service, the concerned officer will submit a final report regarding satisfactory/unsatisfactory service of TADK. The TADK will be sent for medical examination, after which he/she will be screened by a screening committee of 03 assistant scale officers (including 01 personnel department and 01 from SC/ST/OBC community if applicable) to regularize his/her service. Once the committee finds the candidate suitable, PCPO will allot lien in safety category post. Any change of lien will be permitted only with the approval of General Manager/AGM.
7. Transfer of TADK:
- Transfer of TADK–
- “Existing TADK” shall move with the officer with whom he/she is attached on the occasion of transfer of the officer, subject to TADK post being available at new posting place. However his/her lien and seniority, if fixed, shall be protected in their parent cadre.
- “Regular employee working as TADK” moving with the officer with whom he/she is attached on the occasion of transfer of the officer, subject to TADK post available at new posting place, with the willingness of the both, officer and TADK, will be treated as transferred on administrative ground for TADK, however his/her lien and seniority, shall be protected in their parent cadre, and he/she will be entitled for Composite transfer grant.
8. Conditions applicable in the event of training/leave of officer:
- In the event of training/leave etc. of the officer, the officer can continue the services of the same TADK, provided the period of absence of the officer is not more than 90 days (180 days in the case of women officer on maternity leave). In such cases the salary of the TADK will be charged against vacant group ‘D’ post in the concerned department with the approval of PHOD/CHOD/DRM concerned.
- In the cases of officer’s proceeding on long term training, TADK may be retained during such training period in terms of Board letter no. E(NG)II/2018/SB/5/TADK dated 15/10/2018, against the vacant group ‘D’ post with the approval of PHOD/CHOD/DRM concerned.
- Pending decision on the above circumstances, the TADK will be temporarily attached for the period of three months and utilized in the office where the officer was last posted and salary may be charged against vacant group ‘D’ post in the concerned department with the approval of PHOD/CHOD/DRM concerned.
9. Circumstances under which the services of existing TADK can be terminated:
- Circumstances under which the services of existing TADK can be terminated:
- The TADK’s probation period will be four years from the date of engagement as TADK.
- In the instance of cases involving misconduct, misbehavior, unsatisfactory service etc. by the TADK, the officer may propose to take disciplinary action against the TADK at any stage of the tenure of the TADK. The allegations should be properly substantiated and recommendation, if any, should be made to a departmental officer of a rank equivalent to the rank of the appointing authority to initiate appropriate action against the TADK. The departmental officer nominated to act as the Disciplinary authority should be of a rank equivalent to the rank of the appointing authority and rules prescribed under RS(D&A) Rules, 1968, should be strictly adhered to.
10.Similarly, penal action can be taken against defaulting TADK as per extant DAR.
11.The scheme can be reviewed after an initial period of 6 months based on working of the scheme.
12.Amendments, any exception, change or modification in the above policy will require the prior and personal approval of the General Manager. These instructions will be applicable with immediate effect and will be applicable to existing TADKs also. This issues with the approval of General Manager.
Anonymous · November 12, 2021 at 11:49 am
Tadk kab start Hoga ?
Pydi Govinda RaO · November 22, 2021 at 4:55 pm
Please relise more than 6 years my bunglow work
Anonymous · November 22, 2021 at 7:59 pm
Please relise more than 10 years my bunglow work
Anonymous · November 18, 2021 at 7:23 am
Kabhi nahi hoga
Anonymous · August 22, 2022 at 5:21 pm
Sahi hua
Anonymous · November 19, 2021 at 8:36 am
Sir koi chance hi Tadk ka Start hone ka….?
Anonymous · November 19, 2021 at 8:38 am
TADK start hone ka koi chance nahi lagta.
Lucky · November 28, 2021 at 9:26 am
S.rly Bangalal peon relieve plsssss…… already 10year over
Anonymous · November 22, 2021 at 7:21 pm
Modern day slavery…
Anonymous · August 22, 2022 at 5:25 pm
Salve kaisa salla issliya aata hai na ki govt service mai Masti kar. Na apply Jaya ssc li taiyaari Kara lakine aasan toh yahi. Hai ki pahila too bhi slave banjao kyuki abh mera salary zero sa 30000 hogai hai.
Anonymous · November 25, 2021 at 2:10 pm
Banglow peon kab tak chalu ho sakta koi batyga kaya
Anonymous · November 28, 2021 at 9:43 am
Task ka kb tk merit list ayega
Anonymous · December 21, 2021 at 10:22 pm
जो बंगला चपरासी का 3 साल से ज्यादा हो गया अधिकारी क्यों नहीं छोड़ रहा है
Anonymous · January 6, 2022 at 10:44 pm
Sabhi ko ek joot hona hoga jitne bhi TADK hai tabhi kuchh ho sakta hai mainek group bnaunga usme sab contact kro face book me
Sandeep Kumar · February 2, 2022 at 5:53 pm
Sir bangla puon start hoga
Anonymous · March 28, 2022 at 12:59 am
Is this fair?more than 2k tadk r appointed and they r working very hard through the year now u guys publish this type of notice.just think about it
Anjan Kumar Patel · January 7, 2025 at 11:43 am
Any note regarding extension of currency of TADK charged post?