About Indian Railway Service of Engineers (IRSE)
The Indian Railway Service of Engineers (IRSE) is one of the prestigious Group ‘A’ service of Indian Railways. The officers of IRSE cadre are responsible for the overall administrative, technical and managerial functions associated with the Civil Engineering department of the Indian Railways.
There are 8 Organised Group ‘A’ services in Indian Railways and IRSE is one of them. Other organised Group ‘A’ service in Railways are Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS), Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS), Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS), Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers (IRSEE), Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers(IRSME), Indian Railway Stores Service (IRSS), Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers (IRSSE).
IRSE UPSC Direct Batches
Starting from the UPSC batch 1977 upto probationers of batch-2016, information of the all the IRSE batches is provided here below. Best of our efforts has been made to update the information and to provide the correct information. Hope you may find it important and helpful.
Recruitment and Training
IRSE officers are mainly Civil Engineers and they are recruited through the Engineering Service Examination (ESE), conducted every year by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
After Recruitment, the IRSE probationers are given 18 months’ intensive training in various training institutes of the Indian Railways. Most of the training for IRSE officers is imparted by the Indian Railway Institute of Civil Engineering (IRICEN), Pune.
- Read more about Indian Railway Institute of Civil Engineering (IRICEN)
IRICEN is most advanced training institute in its infrastructure, which includes a well-stocked technical library, technology enabled smart class rooms, advanced computer centre, material testing laboratory, model room and rail museum. Most of the classrooms on IRICEN’s campus are technology enabled and they are smart class rooms.
Role and Function
The Civil engineering department of Indian Railways is managed by IRSE officers which is one of the oldest and biggest department of Railways. All the fixed assets like Railway Stations, Railway Track, Bridges, Buildings, Roads, Water, Land etc. of are maintained by IRSE officers.
In addition to the maintenance of immovable assets of Indian Railways, IRSE officers are responsible for the major construction works of Indian Railways. New assets such as new lines, gauge conversion, doubling and yard remodelling and developmental works are also handled by Engineering department officers.
Important designations of IRSE officers
At Apex level (Railway Board)-
- M/Infra: Member Infrastructure , earlier it was called Member engineering.
- Addl. Member(CE)
- AM/L & A : Additional Member (Land & Amenities)
- Addl Member (Works)
- Principal Executive Director CE(Planing)
- Principal Executive Director (Bridges)
- Principal Executive Director (Stn. Dev.Engg.)
- ED CE (Plg.) – Planning
- ED CE (G) – General
- ED CE(B&S) – for Bridge & Structure.
- ED (Stn. Dev.Engg.) – for Station development
- ED Track (MOD)
- ED (Works)
At Zonal Level-
- PCE – Principal Chief Engineer
- CE- Other Chief Engineers
- Dy/CE – Deputy Chief Engineers
- XEN- Executive Engineers
- AXEN- Assistant Executive Engineers
At Divisional Level-
- Sr.DEN/Co.- Senior Divisional Engineer / Coordination
- DEN – Division Engineers
- ADEN – Assistant Divisional Engineers
Directly recruited IRSE probationer starts his/her journey from ADEN and can reach upto apex level post Member Infrastructure and further to CRB & CEO.

Latest updates
GOPAL KHAIRWAR, Retd IRSE 1982 Batch. · June 5, 2021 at 6:22 pm
This is really a great efforts to compile the Icons of IRSE cadres let people of India know there is world beyond Bollywood and Indian Politics. India has route length of 67,956 km (42,226 mi) as of 31 March 2020 this needed to be boosted to 2lakh km to overcome arch rival China. The CG over the years weakened India beyond imagination.
India in 1947 had 61 K rout km of Rly line China had 27K but Now China As of 2019, the length of railways in China totaled 139,000 route km (86,371 mi). The figures say India is no where. The IRSE cadres if given fund definitely take India supass China it is must for India’s economic survival. Railway did wonders in China.
Ashok Kumar · January 16, 2024 at 4:27 pm
My mobile no.9674035914 to whatsup information if can gather may email at sk100bc@yahoo.co.in.
IRSE 1979 exam batch & 1982 batch officers promotions Letter in JAG, upto HAG.
Reference letter or clause for period of promotions 4, 9, 13, 17, & 25 yrs ?
Thanks Ashok Kumar
Akshay kumar · December 24, 2022 at 10:51 am
Why now
There is no such class A rank exams in RAILWAY after class 12 ?
There must be some exams like NDA,JEE ,etc in Indian railway also.
So that those who have the target to join Indian Railway can join directly.
Pratap P Chandnani · February 6, 2024 at 11:52 pm
Wish it should cover the formative years as well.. my father Late Lt Col P T Chandanani was IRSE was 1947 batch, retired in 1982. Contributed several railway lines, stations, colonies and served in Territorial army (railways) in 1965 and 1971 wars, awarded by PM on Red Fort.
Also brought glory to Indian Railways by restarting operations of Nigerian Railways 1978-82.
Anonymous · June 22, 2024 at 5:21 pm
Tell me about Shri K.K.Gupta, IRSE who retired in November 2016 as Chief Engineer/Const./
Ashwani Kumar · July 31, 2024 at 4:16 am
Why Indian Railways is not recruiting Grade A Officers through ESE Examination? How is Indian Railways running without recruitment of GadgetA Engineers??
Please think on it and recruit engineers in railways through ESE 2025. Even after so many train accidents open your eyes that Railways need Engineers.