Post Retirement Complimentary Pass & Widow Pass (PRCP & WP) module of HRMS was launched by CRB & CEO for use across all offices of Indian railways. Online training for operation of the PRCP & WP Module was also provided by CRIS to all the employees.
Vide Railway Board’s Letter No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/6, dated 14.12.2020, A User Guide for Post Retirement Complimentary Pass & Widow Pass Module of HRMS was circulated.

User Guide for PRCP/Widow Pass for Railway Employees
1. Mobile Change by Retired Railway Employee
Retired Railway Employee should follow below steps to change/register mobile number on HRMS.
- Go to
- Click on link “Retired Employee Mobile Change.
- Fill PPO number, date of birth and name.
- Assigned HRMS Id and mobile number in the system shall be displayed.
- Click on “Change mobile number” link to enter new mobile, select pass issuing railway and upload document and submit.
For detailed guide Read…
How to Change Mobile Number on HRMS- Retired Railway Employees?
Pass Clerk should accept the mobile number after verifying the PPO Number
- Select PPO number
- Check details and accept mobile number.
2. Entering Retiree data
Pass Clerk should enter below information for retired railway employees.
- Enter PPO number or search employee based on railway, division/workshop, date of birth or name.
- Enter mandatory information and upload document
- Submit it.
Retired Employee should confirm, details submitted by the Pass Clerk.
- Confirm or return data.
Pass Issuing Authority (PIA) can accept or reject data submitted by the Pass clerk.
- Accept or Reject data.
3. Pass Application
- Go to
- Enter HRMS Id, password and OTP.
- Go to Pass-> Pass Set List menu
- Click on Full Set or Half Set link.
- Fill application and submit.
Also Read….
1. e-Pass Implementation Process on HRMS: First step to know?
2. How to apply for Railway Pass online?
4. Issue Pass
- Pass Clerk and PIA will check application and issue pass.
- Pass Details shall be to user’s mobile number as SMS.
5. Ticket Booking
- Generate OTP for ticket booking in HRMS we application.
- Go to PRS ticket count and IRCTC web site.
- Enter Pass and OTP details for each passenger.
Also Read… How to book e-Ticket on IRCTC with ePass?
HRMS Helpdesk:
In case of any issues please reach out to HRMS helpdesk…
- HRMS application related issue @ 7786940452 ,9971535534,7982542883
- For OTP @ 7267910583,9953780947
- For ePass related enquiry @ 9891643886,9069161539,9971168228 or
- Write to us at
V.Reddappa. · December 25, 2020 at 4:10 pm
Request for mobile number change has been accepted by pass clerk.But how can I know the status of the further proceeding.So kindly do the needful.Thankyou.
admin · December 28, 2020 at 10:56 am
Now login with HRMS Id and default password as Test@123.
Please follow below link to login on HRMS
S k · February 6, 2021 at 10:20 pm
How can add new bording in issue e pass
Anonymous · March 1, 2021 at 5:26 pm
Your family and pass related data is pending with Pass clerk. Please contact your pass clerk for submitting/verifying the same before you can apply for Pass
Ganga Prasad Singh · October 17, 2021 at 5:16 pm
Retired employee 85 years old.
How shall I go ahead with this procedure.
What is the problem in not issuing green pass to ex employee like us.
Is rly. Chairman who keeps talking , understand our age factor.
Hope our all rly. Retired staff will come a platform and explain to chairman of Railway board.
Railway must keep option of green pass or e pass for Retired employees .
Anonymous · September 5, 2022 at 12:39 pm
Same problem…….uh find any solution?
Anonymous · July 29, 2021 at 2:36 pm
what a retired pensioner is supposed to produce for acquiring epass
sp singh · August 23, 2021 at 12:18 pm
Pass Clerks do not want that it shd be through HRMS
N.I.AHMAD · September 22, 2021 at 4:26 pm
Who sanction complementary pass
Anonymous · October 1, 2021 at 1:40 pm
Post retired complimentary pass save in draft how to send to pass clerk for verification to pia
Y D N Rao · November 15, 2021 at 2:40 pm
If a retired employee who has taking pass died and his spouse not taken pass,how the data filled in photo coloum death certificate can be uploaded. And what papers required
S J NAGARAJAN · January 2, 2022 at 10:02 am
Sir I registered and updated my for Rtd employee pass in southern railway still it is not approved by the pass clerk may I no the reason
Pradipkumar Ghosh · March 17, 2022 at 8:02 pm
Sir, When I attended to station authority with my post retirement pass.The station authority is bound to issue epass by me But when I want to issue epass by myself through HRMS website I couldn’t download the epass as I have done verious mistake, Then I will go to pass clerk for redressal. Then the pass clerk is not done good behave with me. In this context I want to issue manual pass. This is for your information and take necessary action please. Thanking you.
B n savkare · March 28, 2022 at 5:12 pm
For retire person manual pass should be issued
KAIVARAM RAMAKOTAIAH · April 4, 2022 at 6:36 pm
I am a retired SC Rly. Officer from Tirupati Workshops. As I am facing the following difficulty in the reservation of companion in my pass as the pass no for attendant/companion is not being shown. The column is being kept blank. The PIA, TPYS says he cannot do anything as the pass number. for attendant for which a column is provided is not getting filled up during the process of Pass Generation. HRMS shall do well if the pass number is automatically generated when the column for attendant/companion is ticked while applying for the ePass. Further, the latest orders on companion with the aged pass holder should also be incorporated with necessary PRS Code.
I had to cancel all e-passes issued to me for YE300921 as IRCTC was unable to reserve for companion though shown as allowed in the pass.Despite writing a number of times to IRCTC who forwarded them to HRMS, the issue is still to be resolved. I shall be thankful if you could look into and resolve the issue.
Yours sincerely
Gopinath Bhattacharjee · May 25, 2022 at 11:30 pm
Dear sir, I am agree with this pass Retirement employee getting only 2 passes in a year .may i request you to immediate closed the HRMS, it is too much complicated better too issue manual pass or like all india card pass they timely travel to visit hospital with family members and yearly approval take any time till today I am not getting OTP to PRC pass, immediate action to be taken by board moreover those retired before 2006 they have no idea regarding computer, firstly i have purchased 21000/ computer or smartphone as a Pensioner, it is too much extra burden, to relief Govt given to Pensioners as an subsidy to Pensioners who retired before 2006
Anonymous · November 9, 2022 at 12:31 pm
Purchase of Computer is not required for taking EPass Only twice retired employees take pass ,any body can submit pass application but your presence with registered mobile is required Any change in route and 15%distance not covered their applications only not taken by system as a result it was not submitted Initially there was some trouble but overall taking Epass is better and in this old age one cannot roaming here and there and reservation as made with IRCTC website without any difficulty. Only enter pass number and pin provided by the PIA
Amar nath Singh · December 6, 2024 at 5:13 pm
Used prcp is necessary to deposit to issueing authority
Madhuparna · May 31, 2022 at 7:26 pm
Is there any form which needs to be submitted to the pass clerk before availing online pass services?
D.Panduranga Rao rtd OS I · October 18, 2022 at 8:26 am
Aged above 80 years pensioners should have manual pass facility, present HRMS system is very complicated and cumbersome.
Rituparna Adhikari · September 29, 2023 at 11:51 pm
In Edit My data page Pass Clerk is not showing selected automatically. In this case how could I know who is my Pass Clerk from the given dropdown options?
Kalyan Banerjee · February 24, 2024 at 5:10 pm
Retired railway employee HRMS data filled by me and pending with pass clerk ,several times called to pass clerk but not yet approved,as a result I could not apply complementary pass through online HRMS portal,how it solve ?
J k dutta · February 7, 2025 at 1:55 pm
Who are the pass clerk, whether they are same for all department staff or for different department PIA are different
S SRIRAM · February 17, 2025 at 1:10 am
sir I have lost three half sets of post-retirement privilege passes on the 2024 account and one half set post-retirement complimentary pass on the 2025 account. how do I proceed to get duplicate passes