Default Password is “Test@123”
If you are a first time user on HRMS portal of Indian Railways, then log in with the Default password “Test@123“. On first time login, You will be prompted to change your password, change your Password.
If you have changed your password on first time login, and have forgotten the password, then recovery/resetting of HRMS password is very easy. For resetting of HRMS password, read How to Reset HRMS Password for Indian Railway Employees?
Change of Password on HRMS Railway Employee portal is possible in two ways…
- Reset HRMS password:- By following “Forgot Password” option (This option requires OTP verification through Registered Mobile Number)
- Change Password on HRMS application:- Here is the simple guide to Change Password on HRMS Railway Employee app. (This option requires you to remember your current Password.)
How to Change HRMS Password?
1. Access HRMS Website:
HRMS web portal provides easy option for changing of HRMS password. First, access the Webpage of Human Resource Management System (HRMS) of Indian Railways by clicking on link
Then, login on the HRMS portal with HRMS ID and Password.
2. Click Change Password:
Your name is shown on the very top of the page in the right side. Click on your Name. Under your Name, option is available to Change Password. Then Click on the link “Change Password”.

This option is not available on Mobile application, this is available only on website version of the HRMS portal.
3. Set New Password
Enter your Current Password in the given box. and then set new HRMS Password as per Password Policy. Re-enter new Password for confirmation and then click on the button “Change”.

4. Congratulations, Your Password has been changed Successfully.
After setting new password as per password policy, and clicking button “Change”, Your HRMS password will be changed. A message will be displayed like below image.
The message ” Password Changed Successfully” is shown.

Please note that, this doesn’t require OTP verification.
Password Policy for HRMS Password.
HRMS Password should be carefully chosen and It must follow the password policy. HRMS Password must contain Upper Case, Lower Case, Digits and Special Characters.
- Minimum length For Password Should be 8.
- Maximum length For Password Should be 15.
- Special Characters Allowed atleast 1 and
- Characters Allowed are (!,@,#,$,%,&,*).
- Upper Case letter should be at least 1.
- Lower Case letter should be at least 1.
- Number of Digits should be at least 1.
How to Reset HRMS password?
If you are a Railway Employee and a registered user on HRMS portal of Indian Railways and suppose you have forgotten the password for it, then you no need to worry. HRMS Password can be easily reset by following simple steps.
How to Login on HRMS Railway Employee application?
If you are a first time User on HRMS Railway Employee portal, and don’t know how to login on HRMS? then there is a simple step by step guide to Login on HRMS Railway Employee application.
How to issue E-Pass & E-PTO online for Railway Employees?
Indian Railways has launched e-Pass on HRMS Module on the 24th of August 2020 through Human Resource Management System (HRMS) Portal, which has been rolled out all over Indian Railways on 01/10/2020.
E-Pass Module Detailed Guidelines for-
- e-PASS Guidelines for Railway Employee
- Declaration of Manual Passes & Pass Family
- Application for New E-Pass
- Application for Split Pass
- e-Pass Cancellation Request
- Send OTP for ticket Booking
- e-PASS Guidelines for Pass Clerk
- Manual Pass Entry
- Acceptance of Family Declaration
- Accept e-PASS Application
- Accept Split Pass Application
- Accept Pass Cancellation Request
- e-PASS Guidelines for Pass Issuing Authority (PIA)
- Issue Pass
- Issue Split Pass
- Pass Cancellation Request
Now, the Privilege Passes and PTOs have to be applied and availed online by railway employees. With this facility Railway employee is neither supposed to come to office for applying for Pass nor has to wait for pass being issued.
HRMS Helpdesk:
In case of any issues please reach out to HRMS helpdesk…
- HRMS application related issue @ 7786940452 ,9971535534,7982542883
- For OTP @ 7267910583,9953780947
- For ePass related enquiry @ 9891643886,9069161539,9971168228 or
- Write to us at
User Manuals for other modules of HRMS
- Step by Step- User Manual for use of HRMS application
- Manual for APAR of Non-Gazetted employees of Indian Railways-
- Master Circular No. 28– Confidential Reports of Non-gazetted Railway servants
- What is APAR module?
- APAR user manual
- Step by step flow on APAR module
- Manual for Office orders
- IR HRMS presentation– From Entry, Transfer, Promotion & Exit
- IR HRMS- Office Order User Manual
- Manual for use of DSC (Digital Signatures)