Employees will be able to apply for pass online from anywhere and get the E-Pass generated online
Chairman Railway Board has launched E-pass module of Human Resource Management System (HRMS) developed by CRIS through video conferencing which was also attended by FC/Railways, all Board Members, CMD/IRCTC, MD/CRIS, all GMs, PCPOS, PCCMS, PFAs and DRMs.
Human Resource Management System (HRMS) for Indian Railway’ Employees
This Human Resource Management System (HRMS) will allow Railway employees to view their details related to their Increments, Promotions, Awards, Transfers, Postings, Leave, Training, and composition of Family as per records and Nominations for retirement benefits. This information is not readily available to employee at present. It brings transparency to administration.
- Downalod HRMS Employee Mobile App for Railway
- How to Login on HRMS Railway Employee Mobile App and Website
DG/HR briefed about the various aspects of the e-Pass module and its phased implementation strategy.
Process for issuance of pass have been largely manual in IR. Also there was no facility for booking of ticket online on Pass for Railway employee.
Download User Manual For Employee, Pass Clerk & PIA
The E-Pass module has been developed by CRIS under HRMS project and will be rolled out over Indian Railways in phased manner. With this facility Railway employee is neither supposed to come to office for applying for Pass nor has to wait for pass being issued. Employee will be able to apply for pass online from anywhere and get the E-Pass generated online. Complete process of application and generation of Pass is mobile friendly. .
Ticket booking on pass may also be done online on IRCTC site apart from earlier facility of counter booking from PRS/UTS counter.
HRMS E-Pass Module- User Manual for Railway Employee, Clerk, PIA
Click below on the image for detailed guidelines for issue of e-Pass, Cancellation of e-Pass etc…

This facility will help Railway employee in using their pass hassle free and simultaneously make working of all officials involve in issuance of Pass smooth.
HRMS project is a comprehensive plan for digitization of complete HR process of Indian Railway. Total 21 modules has been planned in HRMS. Basic data entry of around 97% railway employees has been completed in Employee master and E-Service record modules of HRMS which had been launched last year.

CRIS is also going to launch Office order module and settlement modules of HRMS very shortly .
e-Pass for Railways | How to get E-Pass or PTO | How to register for Railway Epass
In case of any issues please reach out to HRMS helpdesk
- HRMS application related issue @ 7786940452 ,9971535534,7982542883
- For OTP @ 7267910583,9953780947
- For ePass related enquiry @ 9891643886,9069161539,9971168228 or
- Write to us at irhrms@cris.org.in
User Manuals for other modules of HRMS
- Step by Step- User Manual for use of HRMS application
- Manual for APAR of Non-Gazetted employees of Indian Railways-
- Master Circular No. 28– Confidential Reports of Non-gazetted Railway servants
- What is APAR module?
- APAR user manual
- Step by step flow on APAR module
- Manual for Office orders
- IR HRMS presentation– From Entry, Transfer, Promotion & Exit
- IR HRMS- Office Order User Manual
- Manual for use of DSC (Digital Signatures)