Policy of Appointment of TADK on the Railways: 01/12/2020
RBE 102/2020: Vide Railway Board Letter No. E(NG)II/2020/SB/5, dated 01.12.2020, Railway Board has issued policy letter for appointment of TADK on the Railways.
- Engagement of fresh face substitute as TADK is discontinued with effect from 06.08.2020.
- Existing posts and incumbent TADKs will continue…
- TADK posts may be filled by regular Railway employees…
For more detail & latest policy letter on TADK…
Policy on TADK/Bungalow Peon –RBE 102/2020 dated 01/12/2020
Immediate stop on appointment of TADK
In reply of an un-starred question in Lok Sabha, the Minister of Railways submitted that The Ministry of Railways has stopped appointment of TADK with immediate effect vide its order dated 06.08.2020.
Now, officers of Indian Railways will not have facility of appointing Telephone Attendant-cum-Dak Khalasis (TADKs).
Reply submitted by the Railway Minister in Lok Sabha
Un-starred question no. 1645 of Lok Sabha, answered by Minister of Railways on 21.09.2020 as follows…
Q. The number of khalasis or bungalow peons working at the residence of senior officials as on date along-with the criteria for appointment as khalasis and their nature of duties and emoluments paid;
Ans. There are 4227 Telephone Attendant cum Dak Khalasis (TADK)/Bungalow peons working in Indian Railways as on date. Initial engagement of bungalow peons/TADK is made as fresh face substitute with the personal approval of the General Manager on verification and recommendation by the concerned officer. These candidates are required to meet educational qualification, age and medical fitness criteria for appointment prescribed for direct recruitment of Level-1 (erstwhile Group D) employees. These appointees are paid in Pay Level-1 of Seventh Central Pay Commission’s pay matrix starting at ₹18000 and allowances as admissible. TADKs assist officials to whom they are attached. Their duties include attending to calls, recording movement of dak/files, assisting an officer in camp office, and doing official duties related to breakdowns, disaster management, field inspections and other line duties.
Q. Whether the Government has received complaints of abuse and ill treatment of these khalasis by officers;
Ans. No complaints of abuse or ill treatment of bungalow peons/TADK by the officers have been reported. However, few instances of grievances of TADKs have been reported by the Zonal Railways which are examined and redressed according to departmental rules and procedure.
Q. If so, whether the Government had formed a Joint Secretary level committee to review the policy and if so, its outcome thereof;
Ans. Yes, Sir. A committee of Executive Directors was constituted to examine alternative mechanisms in place of existing one for appointment of TADK. The committee has since submitted its report and it has been considered by the Ministry of Railways.
Q. Whether the Government is now considering to bar new appointments to the post of khalasis; and
Ans. The Ministry of Railways has stopped appointment of fresh face substitute as TADK with immediate effect vide its order dated 06.08.2020.
Q. if so, the details thereof?
Ans. The Ministry of Railways has stopped appointment of fresh face substitute as TADK with immediate effect vide its order dated 06.08.2020.
Duties of TADK in Railway, Bungalow Peons
- Railway officers have to work round the clock i.e. 24 X 7 X 365 days, hence assistance is required like personal assistant, helper and caretaker.
- TADKs assist officials to whom they are attached.
- Their duties include attending to calls,
- recording movement of dak/files,
- assisting an officer in camp office, and
- doing official duties related to breakdowns, disaster management, field inspections and other line duties
- To attend the telephones of officers at their residence.
- To work as Dak khalasi for delivering letters and parcel posts to other offices.
- Assisting officers in various office works at home.
- Managing the camp offices at officer’s residence.
- The TADK assists him in not only sorting out the papers, but also run to control offices to deliver positions. They deliver the control positions on time to the houses of other officers & supervisors also.
Policy of Appointment of TADK: RBE No. 64/2020
Vide Railway Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2008/SB/19/BP/TADK/Pt. A, dated 06.08.2020, Railway board issued order on “Policy of Appointment of TADK on the Railways”. This order was to completely ban the appointment of bungalow peons in railways in future.
As per RBE No. 64/2020: The issue regarding appointment of TADK is under review in Railway Board. It has, therefore, been decided that any appointment of fresh face substitutes as TADK should not either be processed or made with immediate effect. Further, all cases approved for such appointments since 1st July 2020 may be reviewed and position advised to Board. This may be complied with strictly in all Railway establishments.

Officer associations represented against the ban on Bungalow peons. And requested Railway board to restore the facility of TADK as per existing practice.
FACT: As on date.There are 4227 Telephone Attendant cum Dak Khalasis (TADK)/Bungalow peons working in Indian Railways
FROA wrote to CEO & CRB for Retention of TADK/ Bungalow Peon
The proposed review of the present selection process of TADK has led to sense of anguish and apprehension amongst the officers fraternity. Zonal federations have requested to continue with the existing system
FROA in its letter to CEO & CRB, requested that the present system of selection of TADKs has been in vogue since long and has several inherent advantages. A TADK selected through the officer concerned imparts a sense of safety, confidence, trust and privacy for the families of the officers.
FROA further mentioned that, this issue should hence be seen not only from the point of view of officers, but also of the welfare and security of their families during course of discharge of officers duties. Moreover, similar selection procedure already exists in several Judicial and Civil administrations.
Representation submitted by South Central Railway officer’s Association
SCROA wrote letter to Chairman of Railway Board to withdraw the letter dated 06.08.2020. Association further requested to restore the facility without making any changes in the engagement process of TADK.
- READ HERE original letter of SCROA.
SUB: Policy on appointment of TADK facility attached to the Railway officers.
Ref: No. RBE No.64/2020: letter no-E (NG)II/2008/SB/19/BP/TADK/Pt. A dt. 06.08.2020.
With reference to above, Railway officers are deeply shocked and anguished over the sudden decision of Railway Board stopping the facility of TADK/Bungalow peon. In this regard, a virtual meeting was held on 07.08.2020 and officers associations have passed the following resolution.
- Railway officers, due to the nature of their duties, have to work round the clock i.e. 24 X 7 X 365 days and most of the times, they have to be in the field, i.e. away from their family, either for restoration of works, which are related to safety of the train operations or for commissioning of new projects/works.
- Due to round the clock duties, they are not in a position to provide adequate support at their home front. To mitigate the officer’s sufferings to some extent, the facility of TADK has been provided and the system is functioning very smoothly to the satisfaction of the officer availing the facility.
- Strong misconceptions exist among various persons regarding TADK facility for the Railway officers with the thoughts of British legacy and luxury etc., A Proper understanding of Railway working system can only enable person to appreciate and understand the real necessity of extending this facility.
- The present policy of engagement of TADK is also quite streamlined. Since the officers are away from the family members, especially children, a person, with whom the officer is having the trust & confidence only, can be engaged and any change in the existing system will definitely have devastating effect on the family members of the officers.
- Besides this, TADK (Bungalow peons) are SSC qualified and being selected after due verification process of personnel branch and also being inducted in the main stream i.e various departments of Railways in safety category. These TADKs will have at least 4 to 5 yrs of general experience in railway working. Past experience shows that These TADKs are more loyal towards Railway and having feeling of Railway family.
- Already, one major decision of merging the cadre of all the Railway services has been taken as a part of ambitious transformation to bring all the services under one umbrella .i.e. Indian Railways Management Service (IRMS) amidst many apprehensions and officers have not come back to normalcy. That being reality, another decision has been taken unilaterally, without understanding the field necessity of the officers, to abolish the practice of engaging TADK, which is highly demoralising and dampening the working spirit of the officer’s fraternity.
- The facility of the TADK is a minor one when comparing the sacrifices being made by the Railway officers. In fact, there is a demand to extend this facility to all the officers, including Assistant /Junior & Senior scale also, since they also sacrifice similarly.
- Every Railway official understands the dire need of the austerity measures in view the financial conditions arisen owing to Covid-19 pandemic and they are sweating a lot to bring the system out of the dire straits. At this stage, stopping this kind of trivial things not only paralyses the officers which will have impact on the administration.
- Revenue enhancement and expenditure control can be brought into the system by adopting right suggestions emanating from field, streamlining the procedures and right sizing of the organisation. But, taking up such paltry and unilateral measures have deep impact on officer’s performance and eventually have adverse impact on train working.
- The nature of TADK job involves the close interaction with family members of the officer concerned. Hence, the selection process should involve the respective officer as the selected candidate should be loyal and trust worthy while discharging his duties.
- Misuse of TADK facilities like other facilities not only by the Railway officials but by other officials is a matter of concern, and is individual choice. Such instances flared up in past in Railways, and for this concern officials have been suitably punished under well established DAR rules. This type of act by some individual officials cannot be cited as a reason to curtail the privilege to entire fraternity. Most importantly, rules can be further formed or strengthen to curb such type of wrong practices by the wrong doers. In this regard suggestions may be sought from the officer fraternity.
- Finally, Railway services are provided with meagre privilege/facilities like Bungalow peon/TADK service and Pass. These are only minor privileges where talented aspirants in the market are looking at joining in the Railway services.
Also Read Minutes of Meeting of SCROA with FROA held on 22.09.2020
Covering Topics- TADK Issue
- Violation of 50:50 Recruitment Rule
- By Curtailing of Direct Recruitment
- By Transferring the Group-A Vacancies to Group’B’
- Delayed date of Joining of Direct officers effecting DITS and Future Promotion Aspects
Under the circumstances, Railway Board is requested to restore the facility without making any changes in the engagement process of TADK, which will boost the morale of the officer’s fraternity, who are always dedicating their life and services to the betterment of the Railway Organisation.
Submitted for the kind consideration please.
Vide letter No. ECROA/2020/Aug-1, Dated: 07.08.2020, ECROA, Hajipur wrote letter to the Chairmen of Railway Board for continuation of existing appointment policy of TADK.
- READ HERE original letter of ECROA.
Sub: Continuation of existing appointment policy of TADK on the Railways.
Officers of ECR have represented and protested against unilateral change in subject matter circulated vide above referred letter. The issues in details are as below:-
- Unlike other Central Government offices, nature of the job in Railways warrants availability of officers 24x7x365 & they are required to be on toe on most of the time. It can be illustrated as below:
- Review of previous day’s performance is presented to the Railway officer in the form of morning position.
- Co- ordination has to be done with control, officers in the field, supervisors in the frontline and colleagues for the residual problems of the previous day and to plan for the present day otherwise train operations will come to a grinding halt in a matter of days. This entire activity is performed on Railway Telephone, DOT Telephone and now also on the Mobile & may last well above two hours on a normal day.
- The TADK assists him in all this except in the use of mobile phones. In no other service such a requirement exists on a regular basis. Hence, TADK acts as a substitute to the requirements of camp office set-up.
- The TADK assists him in not only sorting out the papers, but also run to control office for delivering and fetching papers & to the houses of other officers and supervisors for this purpose. He often serves the duties of errand for the officers.
- Railway operations are round the clock and need to be monitored accordingly. The TADK is an unavoidable help to the officer in this entire stretch of back-breaking work. That is the reason the TADK’s working hours are essentially intermittent, i.e. he is available for twelve hours during the day with the officer in the morning, in the afternoon and again in the evening with extended breaks in between. The railway officer, however, continues his work without any rest.
- Railway officer has to perform several duties in the night including inspections of stations, workshops, yards and trains along with travel on the footplate of a locomotive or on trolleys frequently as a specified assigned duty. He needs an assistant to carry his papers, measuring instruments and implements.
- A Railway Officer is required to attend to accidents and mishaps including traffic disruptions caused by natural calamities and social unrests for which he often has to move at night and remain at site for days without a break, even foregoing sleep and rest. A TADK needs to travel with him to attend to not only the officer’s needs, but to act as a messenger on the spot, carry his papers and implements etc.
As illustrated above, such sudden and unilateral decisions without due consultation with the officer’s bodies, severely affects the morale and motivation of officers at the field level. Moreover, if this facility is withdrawn or nature changed, it may have adverse effect to the serving as well as bright prospective candidates to the Railway service.
- The present appointment policy regarding TADK is quite streamlined. Since TADK has to be with the officer all the time, hence element of personal choice is inevitable for the sake of trust. In case, other mode of selection is adopted then the assigned person may not be having trust of officer and may interfere officer’s work as well as personal affairs. Moreover, the existing system of absorption also renders TADK loyal as it instills sense of secure future for him, thereby maintaining his devotion for the system.
- The selection of TADK is subject to official scrutiny at various levels in the Personnel Department and due care is always being taken before personal approval & sanction of GM.
- Appointment of TADK is a completely transparent system, if any malpractice is noticed, the same is investigated by Vigilance and there are instances when officers have been punished.
- The policy is in prevalence since a long time and serving well. Changing the policy at this time when COVID-19 pandemic is spreading gives a feeling of helplessness among officers. Therefore, it is requested to kindly recall the above mentioned letter and restore the previous practice. In case of any change, Officers’ Bodies and Association must be taken into confidence.
Submitted for kind consideration please.
(K.D. Ralh)
President/ECROA & PCE/ECR
Representation submitted by other officer associations
NWROA mentioned in his representation that, the decision taken vide letter referred above is a retrograde step. If this facility is withdrawn or mode of selection is changed then it shall have adverse impact on 24* 7 availability and efficient discharge of the duty by the officers which in turn shall affect the performance of Railways.
The nature of the Job of a TADK spreads into the most private space of the officer. Personal selection ensures that the officer and his family are most comfortable with the individual who has been appointed.
Any previously unknown appointee may not be in concordance with the concerned officer and may not extend the sense of safety and security of the family. As such it would ultimately lose the very functional utility of the TADK. It is also a time verified fact that the TADKs who have been absorbed after their tenure are highly sought after in the field as they are more disciplined, productive and assimilating. This is because they are chosen after due scrutiny based on their most sincere psychological attitude for their duties and rigorously trained for their future job personally by the officer concerned and therefore well acquainted to discharge Railway duties.
It is pertinent to mention that selection of TADK is not an arbitrary procedure, rather there are clearly laid down guidelines including eligibility criteria with completely transparent system.
Representations submitted by RDSO officer association
Officers of RDSO are agitated on this unilateral change in above mentioned policy. A meeting of Officers’ Association of RDSO was held today and issues regarding TADK were discussed in detail. The following resolution has been passed:
- Such sudden and unilateral decisions without due consultation with the officer’s bodies, severely affects the morale and motivation of officers. Moreover, it is one of the attractions of the aspirants to join Railway services on preference. If this facility is withdrawn or nature changes, it may have adverse effects on the serving as well as bright prospective candidates to the Railway service.
- The present policy regarding TADK is quite streamlined. The person of officer’s choice is being kept at the house. In case, another mode of selection is adopted then the assigned person may not be having trust of the officer and may interfere with the officers work as well as personal affairs and there is a huge chance of the officers family getting suffered.
- The selection of TADK is subject to official scrutiny at various levels in the Personnel Department and due care is always being taken before personal approval and sanction of GM.
- It is a completely transparent system, if any malpractice is noticed, same are being investigated by Vigilance and there are instances when officers are punished.
- The policy has been in prevalence since a long time and serves well, changing the policy at this time when COVID-19 pandemic is spreading is giving a kind of helplessness among officers. Therefore, it is requested to kindly recall the above mentioned letter and restore the previous practice. In case of any change, Officers’ Bodies and Association must be taken into confidence.
- As confirmed by your good self that the entitlement of TADK will continue ‘as it is’ through whatsapp message, course correction of the wrong perception created in general public by publicity of above in Newspaper and Social Media, is needed and necessary rejoinder in this regard may also be issued at Railway Board level.
Submitted for kind consideration please.
Read More about…
- http://Cadre Controlling after Restructuring, OO. 65 of 2020
- Revised Organizational Structure of Railway Board
- ACC has approved IRMS implementation for Railway Board
On Privatisation of Indian Railways…
On Railway Recruitment Boards (RRB)…
On Railway Services and their cadre…

Manjeet · October 4, 2020 at 7:40 pm
What is the age limit for bungalow peon in Railways?
admin · October 4, 2020 at 9:10 pm
The upper age limit for candidate of General, OBC & ST/SC is 33, 36 & 38years respectively.
The age criteria is same as for Group ‘D’ selection for Indian Railways.
Amit Kumar · December 4, 2020 at 6:18 am
Sir jiska medical 3 march ko hua hai or appointment nhi hua hai avi tak uska kya hoga??sir please tell
admin · December 4, 2020 at 7:09 am
Jiska medical 3 march ko hua, fir bhi July tak appointment nahi hua ye samajh se pare hai. Normally Medical hone ke baad sirf appointment ka letter nikalta hai jisme adhik se adhik 7 din lagte hain. Shayad aapko appointment dena hi nhi chahte.
Jin TADK ka GM ne sanction july se pehle kar diya tha, unko to appointment milna chahiye.
Anonymous · December 10, 2020 at 11:12 am
To ab kya hoga usko appointment mile ga ya nahi..sir please tell
Anonymous · December 30, 2020 at 11:32 am
To sir kya ho ga job ho gi ya nhi..koi pakki information dijiye sir jiska 3 march ko medical ho chuka hai uska job ho sakta hai kya nhi?
Anonymous · December 24, 2020 at 9:44 am
8192008350 में भी पियोंन हु
Pradeep · October 5, 2020 at 4:24 pm
Appointment of Bungalow peons should not be allowed. It should be stopped immediately, as such there is a no need of TADK now a days. Group ‘D’ staff should only be recruited through competitive exams.
Anonymous · October 23, 2020 at 3:22 pm
Hi sir what about existing bunglow peon(TADK)
admin · October 23, 2020 at 7:33 pm
Existing Bungalow peon will continue to work in Railways.
It is complete ban on creation of new posts and appointment of bungalow peons. No new bungalow peon will be appointed in railways now onwards, until railways formulate some policy.
Anonymous · January 12, 2021 at 8:02 pm
Sir iam working as bunglow peon from sep to till date in swr will my job is done or not plz tell us sis
admin · January 12, 2021 at 8:07 pm
After July 2020, no appointment of Bungalow peons are allowed as per latest policy. Means, you can’t be appointed as bungalow peon/TADK.
I think you need to discuss with your employer.
Sreenu · April 17, 2021 at 12:12 am
Hi sir.i have worked more then 2 years…is any chances to get permaner……task have any leaves.if yes.how many leaves
Anonymous · January 23, 2021 at 9:40 pm
Sir my all documents approval before date-6.8.2020 Plz tell sir appointment hoga ki nehi
admin · January 23, 2021 at 10:08 pm
Documents approval is first stage… Second stage is Sanction from GM…
As per policy sanction should be before July 2020.
If GM has not sanction before the July 2020, to appointment nahi hoga…
Baki apne officer se baat karo.
Anonymous · January 24, 2021 at 3:19 pm
Sir Final order kab nikelaga Plz reply
Pankaj · January 27, 2021 at 2:08 pm
Sir what is the promotion policies to existing employees please reply
admin · January 28, 2021 at 7:22 am
Promotion policies are same as for regular Group D staff. Departmental promotions and exam based promotion.
Bubun · October 27, 2020 at 10:50 pm
Sir, as per 3rd line of RBE no.64/2020 dt. 06.08.2020 reg. TADK that “Further, all cases approved for such appointment since 1st, 2020 Board”
Now whose approval has been obtained before 1st July, 2020 (i.e. 4th week of June) and got appointments after 1st july, 2020 (i.e. 3rd week of july), also till continue woring as TADK but salary has not been charged till date.
Now the question is what decisions taken by board of suck TADK? Does the TADK continue to work at officer’s bunglow? What about salary of him?
Akhil. v · November 7, 2020 at 8:43 pm
If someone working as TADK banglow peon from past 3 4 years what is the action you guys planning to take to componsate them?
And what is the promotion policies to existing employees
Ishaan · November 11, 2020 at 10:55 pm
They will be given regular appointment like earlier practice. No worry to Bungalow peons who have worked for more than 4 months or have been given appointments after 1st of July 2020.
Anonymous · January 30, 2021 at 11:17 am
8192008350 contact
Bubun · November 22, 2020 at 9:34 pm
Does Railway Board has taken any decision on TADK, whose appointments have been given after 1st July 2020 also satisfactory completed 120 days at service, in respect of RBE no 64/2020?
कमल · November 27, 2020 at 10:37 am
अगर कोई व्यक्ति ऑफिसर के साथ पिछले 8-9 महीने से काम कर रहा हो ओर उसका मेडिकल फिटनेस ना हुआ हो क्या उस पर कोई विचार नहीं किया जाएगा
Mohan · November 27, 2020 at 12:38 pm
अपॉइंटमेंट होने से पहले मेडिकल होना जरूरी है। अपॉइंटमेंट से पहले ऑफिसर के साथ काम करना किसी व्यक्ति की अपनी मर्जी है। इसलिए, अपॉइंटमेंट से पहले कितने भी समय काम कर लो, उसका कोई मतलब नही है। जिनको 1 जुलाई 2020, से पहले अपॉइंटमेंट मिल चुका है, उनकी नौकरी ही पक्की है, बाकी किसी का कुछ नही पता है।
Abhi · January 25, 2021 at 7:45 am
If tadk complete 1 year and officer resignation in that condition can officer transfer to TADK in department ?
If yes which is the way?
If no then what will do with that TADK
Anonymous · January 30, 2021 at 11:16 am
Contact tadk 8192008350
Anonymous · April 2, 2021 at 6:44 am
Hi sir I’m tadk job completed in five years
Anonymous · February 19, 2021 at 8:55 pm
Sir TADK kab chalu hoga pathe,final order nikelga ki nehi
Anonymous · February 22, 2021 at 1:14 pm
Sir any chance next month ending new requirements bungalow duty joinings????
Anonymous · April 1, 2021 at 11:44 pm
Hi sir jee
Iam the TADK
What is existing TADK I completed 6 years for tadk what I do how many years do the work what is the next position ols tell me sir
Anonymous · April 1, 2021 at 11:51 pm
Sir i cont do the this job, TADK Rule are comes time to to time so di the job but we can’t sir this is very harassment or susied to TADK so stop the policy all existing TADK will Relese the our lien bases so share the msg how can expand to the PM pls help me sir
Anonymous · April 1, 2021 at 11:52 pm
Yes bro exact this job
We can’t the job
Pls release….. Existing TADK
Anvesh · April 2, 2021 at 6:04 am
Ban banglow peon post permanent
C Sharma · August 29, 2021 at 2:35 am
What to do when an officer is forcing his tadk to continue to do work (household) at their residence and also bring their family member to do work at his residence after completing 3 years of continue duty? The officer is not getting ready for permanent posting of his tadk. Officer is also charging a part of salary of tadk and also misbehaving with them. Not giving so many basic facility to them
Where should report a tadk about this mishandling by an officer and their family member?
Anonymous · April 6, 2021 at 1:51 pm
modi ji ne ye galat nirnay liya hai
Vidya · August 23, 2021 at 8:21 pm
Does bunglow lascar is eligible for allotment of quarters within the period of 2 year of appointment ?
Sahukumar · October 10, 2021 at 1:09 pm
If TADK is STOP then why all are TADK working in officer home
Give then posting in railways
To start job for railways
shibnath pandit · December 29, 2021 at 9:10 pm
sir i from iriset in sceunderabad my joning tell 14/06/2017 .i am already posted (mali/ssc.) but the officer is calling for benglowpeon . should i go, sir ? plz tell sir
Anonymous · November 9, 2023 at 4:52 pm
Can the railway general managers have multiple bungalow peons? Is there any circular?
Anonymous · November 24, 2023 at 10:46 pm
Sir me w,r,adi ,me 1996se 1999tak kam karne ke bad,mujhe sarvices tarminet kar diya h ,ab me bekar baitha hu,kya mujhe phir se nokari mil sakti h,bagla peun ka,mera contek no h 635356011,sunil sah
M SUDARSAN · August 21, 2024 at 11:48 am
TADK any transfers to TADK? What is the long standing period in railways?