What is IR-HRMS?
HRMS Employee Mobile Application and HRMS Web portal is Developed by CRIS for Employees of Indian Railways.
Indian Railway has launched completely digitized online Human Resource Management System (HRMS). Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is a high thrust project for Indian Railways to leverage improved productivity & employee satisfaction. It is a move to improve efficiency and productivity of Railway system and a step towards realizing the vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. HRMS is expected to create a big impact on the functioning of all the employees and will make them more tech savvy.
This application will be a single-window communication system between Railway employees and Administration. Employees of Indian Railways can now see data related to their service and communicate with the administration for any changes if required.
This information was not readily available to the employee before implementation of HRMS. It brings transparency to the administration. It is an important milestone in computerization of HR-related functions in Indian Railways.
This HRMS Application allows the employee to view their historical data since their date of joining in Railways including details like-
- Bio-data,
- Service Record
- Increments,
- Promotions,
- Awards,
- Transfers,
- Postings,
- Leave,
- Pass, PTO
- Training, and
- composition of Family
- Nominations for retirement benefits.
Webpage link: https://hrms.indianrail.gov.in/HRMS/
Mobile App link: HRMS Employee Mobile App for Indian Railways

How to Use HRMS?
HRMS module can be accessed through HRMS Mobile App or HRMS Web portal. For using HRMS app, first registration is required on HRMS by dealing clerk. By now, the HRMS ID has been created for most of the Railway Employees.
=> To access HRMS, employees need to register by entering IPAS No / PF No.
=> An OTP will be sent to their Mobile No (As available with us). Employee must enter to complete registration process.
=> If Mobile number is not available, Please contact your establishment clerk to furnish to access this application.
=> In case user is already register and forgot their HRMS/ Login ID then they can use Registration page to find out Login id.
=> For more information, please read How to Login on HRMS Railway Employee Mobile App and Website guide.
Apart from their profile and scanned copy of their Service Record, Railway Employees can also see e-Service Record which is compiled based on an entry made in HRMS Application. Scanned copies of their Physical Service Record are also available.
Two modules for data capturing I.e. Employee Master and e-SR has been developed by CRIS and rolled out in IR in Jul/2019. Entry in these two modules is being done by all units of IR. This Application is interface to view the data entered by clerks of Indian Railways. Every Employee will be provided their HRMS Ids to login and access the data.
HRMS Modules: Manuals & Guidelines
HRMS Modules
Employee Self Service (ESS) module enables railway employees to interact with various modules of HRMS including communication regarding change of data. Launched on 26.11.2020.
Provident Fund (PF) Advance Module
Provident Fund (PF) Advance module enables Railway employees to check their PF balance and apply for PF advance online. Advance processing will be online and employees will also be able to see the status of their PF application online. Launched on 26.11.2020.
Settlement Module
Settlement module digitizes the entire settlement process of retiring employees. Employees can fill their settlement / pension booklet online. Service details are fetched online and pension is processed online completely. This will eliminate use of paper and it also facilitates monitoring for timely processing of settlement dues of retiring employees. Launched on 26.11.2020.
HRMS Manuals & Guidelines
Step by Step Guide for Use of HRMS
- How to Login on HRMS?
- How to Reset HRMS Password?
- Change HRMS Password?
- Step by Step guide for e-Pass on HRMS for Railway Employees
- HRMS E-Pass Module- Role Wise User Manual
- A Guide for use of DSC?
T Sennimalai · February 12, 2021 at 12:21 pm
I am a retired employee from SR in may 2003. There is no information about getting hrms ID for retired employees and apply post retirement complimentary passed. Please arrange to advise as how to login with PPO. If there is no provision, kindly arrange to modify the program.
T Sennimalai Rtd ADME Erode, SRly.
PPO No. 2003706010066
kartha · February 23, 2021 at 9:00 am
contact number not attending
no email to send query
pf or such application resend otp option not available
OTP not coming for last two days
A. S. Bhasker Raj · March 22, 2021 at 6:06 pm
I am a retired railway employee from South Western Railway.Bangalore.
After receiving details of HRMS from Railway Board I was anxious to get my HRMS for the facilities available.
I filled up the form for change of mobile number filled a the details and went to South Western Railway personal branch pass section to hand over the form.
The person in charge refused to accept the form saying they have not received any inform about HRMS so far and said she does not know when this information will be received.
It is strange that South Western Railway has not received details of HRMS so far.
Request Railway Board to enquire why South Western Railway has not received implementing of HRMS so far..
DINESH KUMAR · October 5, 2024 at 11:01 am
what is tha address of hrms head office or CRISE
DINESH KUMAR · October 5, 2024 at 11:01 am
what is the address of hrms head office or CRISE
Hakuna · March 4, 2025 at 9:05 pm
VikramNagar Near ITO Delhi 110002