Rollout of new Modules of HRMS w.e.f. 01.01.2021
Vide Railway Board’s File No. PC-VII/2020/HRMS/6(Pt.), dated: 22.12.2020, Railway Board has issued instructions for compulsory use of HRMS modules from 01.01.2021.
- The following modules of Human Resource Management System (HRMS) were launched by CRB & CEO Railway Board on 26.11.2020 for use by the employees and pensioners of Indian Railways.
- PF Loan & Advance Module
- Settlement Module
- Employee Self Service (ESS)
- Post Retirement Complimentary Pass & Widow Pass Module
2. Training for the above modules was imparted by CRIS in 24 online sessions to all the Railway Units and the relevant user guidelines these modules have also been issued and uploaded on the website of Railway Board vide letters dated 14.12.2020.
3. Accordingly, it has been decided by the Competent Authority that w.e.f. 1st January, 2021, all the aforementioned modules shall become fully operational for carrying out the administrative functions regarding the said modules exclusively on the relevant HRMS modules in all the offices of Indian Railways.
4. In view of the above it may please be noted that w.e.f. 01.01.2021, all the applications/requests regarding issuance of Complimentary Pass/PTO for serving employees, PF Loan & Advance, Settlement and various functionalities contained in the Employee Self Service Module shall be made and processed only through the relevant module of HRMS.
5. As regards date of compulsory implementation of e-Pass Module for pensioners, Board’s instructions contained in letters of even number dated 16.11.2020 and 17.11.2020 shall continue to apply.
6. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority.

Also read…
- How to apply for Railway Pass online and How to book e-Ticket on IRCTC with ePass
- Indian Railway launches Provident Fund & other modules under HRMS
- HRMS Manuals and Guidelines for Indian Railway Employees
- How to Change HRMS Password? Indian Railway Employee application?
- How to Change Mobile Number on HRMS- Retired Railway Employees?
- User Manual for PF Loan & Advance Module of HRMS Indian Railways
1 Comment
Anonymous · October 4, 2023 at 9:38 am